Lifestyle Programs & Groups

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Lifestyle Programs & Groups

Lifestyle Programs & Groups

As lifestyle consultants, we offer services to improve our clients’ lives in areas such as relationships, style, organization, healthy eating, and fitness.
The gathering of people together for a common reason or intention is a unique and often powerful experience that can not be achieved alone.
Most providers in the group have extensive experience creating and facilitating groups for specific purposes. Some of our providers are certified yoga instructors and offer healthy lifestyle consulting services.
Check our calendar to join a group or contact us to help you create a group, co-create a continuing education program, or customize a workshop or group program for you or your business.

Jessica Brazil, LCSW

Jessica Brazil, LCSW

Founder, Psychotherapist & Yoga Instructor


Kahu Kāhealani

Kahu Kāhealani

Metaphysical Minister